A typical colony has workers, drones, a queen, and young bees in various stages of maturation. Each bee has a duty to perform, from laying eggs to collecting nectar to defending the hive.
A typical colony has workers, drones, a queen, and young bees in various stages of maturation. Each bee has a duty to perform, from laying eggs to collecting nectar to defending the hive.
Honeybees are not aggressive unless they feel threatened, but threats might look different to them than they do to us. For example, honeybees may feel threatened or vulnerable when they’ve lost their queen. Your bees may also be pretty defensive if a predator has stopped by recently.
Honey is an incredible substance that’s rich in healing properties. It regulates metabolic processes, increases immunity, improves blood composition, reduces insomnia, and provides lasting energy. It can also help with burns, coughs, and other conditions.
According to the Mayo Clinic, honey is generally safe for anyone older than one year. Infants should not have honey in case of botulinum contamination, which occurs in ~2% of honey samples (multi-floral Polish honey samples, 2018). Older children and adults can process botulinum without being harmed.
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Raw honey is best described as honey “as it exists in the beehive”.
It is made by extracting honey from the honeycombs of the hive and pouring it over a mesh to separate the honey from impurities like beeswax and dead bees.
Once strained, raw honey is bottled and ready to be enjoyed.
Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance made by honey bees and some related insects. Bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from secretions of other insects (such as honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation.
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